Monday, July 10, 2006

It's glorious isn't it?!

I actually don't have one yet, but this picture is to show my wife exactly what one looks like. My plan is to give her $20, and have her go to the beer store near her work that is selling these and pick me up one. I feel after my hard work cleaning the kitchen this past weekend, I deserve the favor. :) Apparently these aren't that easy to come by - and are selling like hot cakes. You better believe I'll drink the contents of it - and save the can to display proudly on the television.
Hey Jen - could you pick me up some beef jerky while your at it?! Ok, nevermind.. just the beer will do. Thanks!!


  1. So i made it sound pretty easy, like Jen just goes and picks up beer for me all the time. It wasn't as easy as i imagined.
    I started off just saying - "hey, you know how theres things that happen once in a lifetime, and i love to be part of those things.." when i finally popped the question, she immediately said "nah.. ya don't need that." So, i pulled out the facts that Bells has never done this before, and may never, and that these are in high demand - and some guy is selling his on ebay now for $30.. and.. well, i can' think of them all now, but i almost switched to "beg mode."
    Then, she asks.. Ok, who are you going to drink this with and when? I didn't think she'd ask that but I really don't know when, but I'm definitely not going to attempt it on my own. When it was all said and done, she demanded $25. But, it's only $19? $25 or no deal. Ok ok, $25. Somehow i got hosed, but ah well.. hopefully, they don't sell out and I get my mini-keg can tonight to look at and cherish. I'll have to do a follow up post after we drink it. :)

  2. Yes, of course I asked who you'd be sharing this little treasure with! I know how you are when you try to take on these things by yourself. It always ends in some episode involving one type of body fluid or another being splattered everywhere.

    I appreciated the great job you did on the kitchen. Don't forget that you also agreed to continue to keep the kitchen up for the rest of summer '06 as part of this little deal.

    The Bells is on its way to you!

  3. Ok, Bella's post was um, a little uncalled for.

    But, I suppose she can post whatever she wants to, since she did get my beer, and it's sitting safely in the refrigerator.

    I got up this morning and opened the fridge - there Obie was, staring at me. "Hey little buddy, how ya doin today?".. he just smiled and sat there.
